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Thursday, 5 March 2015

Stress Relief Top Tips

 Hi Guys

So I thought that I’d write a quick post with my top tips for stress relief. Recently I’ve been in a bit of a funk with school and exams etc. and I’ve been finding it hard not to focus on the negatives. I’m usually an extremely calm and chilled person but, like most teens, I’ve been going crazy over my exams! The only way im coping and staying positive is down to these top tips…

I hope they can help you in some way.


Be organised! This is probably a tip you have been told time and time again but it really does have benefits. For me it helps because if I have things done then its one less thing to worry about… I hate being in a rush so being organised eliminates all of this. Another organisation tip is to make lists… my notebook is full of them! I like the satisfaction of ticking them all of and knowing that I’ve completed something!  Lists are also a good escape for procrastination.


Think positive! This is something I have a love/hate relationship with… The reason I hate it is because it’s the new campaign that my schools introduced and its everywhere!! There are stickers on all the doors, motivational posters on the walls, and teachers giving us boring assemblies on it… However as annoying as this is I have to agree with it… To think positive is the best thing you can do and is what keeps me happy… When you think positive everything just seems better, your daily tasks will change drastically and even major issues like exam stress will be minimised by you simply believing that you can do it! It's about having a 'growth mindset'- the way this works is as follows... instead of saying 'I can't do it' they teach you instead say 'I can't do it yet'... its a bit cheesy but honestly it works!


      See the bigger picture… This tip is probably the biggest one that I try to follow! Whenever I’m getting upset and stressed over something minor I like to sit back and think about the whole picture… Thinking about the whole pictures puts into perspective how trivial the problem probably is, and how it can be easliy overcome! 


      Take time out… Sometimes it’s hard to do this when you lead an extremely active life, however everyone needs to take the time to chill… Everyone relaxes in different ways but for me a nice hot bath and a pamper session before bed always seems to do the trick!


      Finally, surround yourself with friends and family. Recently this has been a big stress factor for me! Bitchy girls frustrate the hell out of me! And in sixth form all I seemed to do was listen to he said/ she said arguments and after a while it really started to have an effect on me! My grades rapidly declined and my mood-changed a lot so I knew it was time to do somethign about it- I moved away from them a sent more time focusing on my revision then gossip. My advice would be to hang around with people that you generally like and people who’s life isn’t a soap opera! Family, friends and laughter can be an amazing source of stress relief.

      Thank you for reading my top tips; I would love to hear if any of  them have worked for you or if you have any of your own tips!
      I hope you all have a wonderful week and whenever stress builds up take a time out to consider the bigger picture. Remember that everyone gets stressed, and there are always people you can talk to.
      Lots of love
      Ellie x

When there is no struggle, there is no strength- Opera Winfrey 


  1. Taking time out to hang out with family and friends reduces so much stress for me. Great tips!
    Aleeha xXx

  2. Exams are such a stressy time...good luck with them! These are great tips, hope they help x

    Josie’s Journal



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