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Sunday, 4 January 2015

New Year- Memory Jar

Hey guys :)

I hope you all had a fabulous christmas and new year!

To me, I think of New Year as a great time for reflection. It's good to look back and remember all the good times you've had, as well as the bad. However I do believe that most of us tend to focus on the negative memories that, in our mind, have dominated our year... this shouldn't be the case!
So in 2013 I saw someone post something on Instagram that I thought was an amazing idea! A memory Jar...
So here's the idea behind it: You start it at the beginning of the year and eventually you fill it up with all the happy memories you have had. Whether it was just a really happy day with friends or whether it was an important milestone in your life. You write them down on a small piece of paper, fold it up and put it in the jar. You are not allowed to open the jar until new years day when you make your new one!
This simple idea only takes 2 seconds to do and is a brilliant way of looking back and focusing on the happy moments of the year and allows you to look forward to the next year where more memories will be made! If you keep all your memories it is nice to look back in years to come!

In my jar I included things such as: passing my driving test, good grades at school, trips out to the theatre etc, fun days out with friends and other happy times :) 

Lots of Love
Ellie x 
Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them. -Bob Dylan


  1. This is such a great idea -- and I love the Bob Dylan quote you used. I save the most random things but they all end up scattered around my room - this is a great way to keep little reminders of 2014 together. Hope you have an amazing 2015, keep positing! x, S


    1. Thank you for your comment! :) I love the idea, and love how I will be able to look back at them in years to come! x

  2. I've started one of my own this year. I think they are a wonderful idea as they help focus of the positives rather than the negatives through the year.

  3. I totally agree! It's so much harder to remember all the positive things, so this is a constant reminder that its not all bad :) x



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