Hi guys!
Apologies for not posting in a while, I've been so busy!!
As I haven't blogged in ages this post is just going to be a general catch up and a list of things that have been amazing for me in the last month.
Firstly, and probably the biggest thing that has happened in the last month is my work experience with a PR company.
I have never done any work in PR and to be honest I had very knowledge around the subject too, so when the opportunity for some work experience came up I was excited but at the same time I was so nervous!
I completed 3 weeks working there and in that short space of time I learn't ridiculous amounts! I was meeting with journalists, writing blog posts and researching big and exciting brands! I knew that it was definitely something that I would love as a job! It was all so fast paced and stressful but in a weird way I really enjoyed it! So on one of my last days I had a meeting and was told that they wanted to start an apprenticeship scheme and they would love it if I was to join them as their first ever apprentice!! WOOO! I'm so excited and hopefully I start in a few months!! I'll keep you posted on it... If I remember ;)

Secondly, I had one of my best weekends ever! For mums 40th birthday nine of her friends and family all went up to London to have a girly weekend. The theme was tourists.... Yup, we had to walk around busy London on a Saturday dressed as tourists! It was hilarious! We then went to a top London night club and had the best time ever! I don't know whether it was a one off but people really seemed so much happier in London! Everyone was wishing my mum happy birthday on their way past and we even got free bus rides there and back! Result!!

Ok, so most people are going to think I'm mad for this but... I've created my dog, Buster, an Instagram account! haha! But I bloody love it! So far Buster has got 140 followers and that was just in the space of 5 hours! I didn't realise how many dog accounts there were!! Its amazing! It's like a little community and everyone is so friendly! I've had loads comments on the posts saying how cute Buster is and also a lot of mentions welcoming him to Instagram, it's nice to share my love for labradors and Buster with other dog lovers! His Instagram is: Busterthechoclabrador for those wanting to join in on this madness!
So in the space of one short month quite a lot has happened and there is also quite a lot happening next month! It's an exciting time and I'm glad that I am finally moving onwards and upwards with my life and finally have some direction.
Thank y'all for listening to my wonderful month and hope your month has been just as fabulous! Share in the comments what's been good for you, I'd love to hear!
Ellie x